We'd like to make our content more strategic, but we don't have time to make it happen on this project. "Sound familiar? If so, you are not alone. Whether you work within an agency or in-house at a brand, it's all too common to hear people refer to a wellness Jamaica Phone Number List content strategy as taking time. If you plan to create and produce quality content, you cannot accept this mindset. To make good content decisions for business, you need to think strategically. And to think strategically about content, you need tools. As you
May have noticed, content strategy tools are plentiful these days. For example, Meghan Casey wrote about many of them in her book, The Content Strategy Toolkit. When you're new to content strategy, it's hard to know which tools to use first. I recommend Jamaica Phone Number List starting with three tools as your content strategy "starter kit", in this order: Message architecture Content inventory and audit Summary of content arrived at this short list based on my years as an agency-side content strategist working with brand managers and marketers in
Both B2B and B2C companies. When used at the right time, each tool is invaluable in fostering a strategic, efficient and scalable content framework.1. Develop Jamaica Phone Number List a message architecture Start by developing a message architecture, which is your North Star for any content marketing roadmap. A message architecture prioritizes a set of goals for communicating about the brand across channels, laying the foundation to ensure everyone is telling the same story. By aligning business goals with user needs, message