Acupuncture is often used in drug detox programs for its powerful effects in removing toxins from the body. Green apples are super high in pectin which binds to toxins, such as heavy metals and drug residue, to gently and naturally eliminate these unwanted pollutants from the body. So try and add a Granny Smith to your daily green juice or smoothie. Did you know that drinking 3-4 litres of filtered spring water each day is essential for the body’s detox processes to work at the optimum level? Avoid tap water wherever possible, and consider using a copper vessel to boost the benefits of staying hydrated.
Thus, there is a great demand for noninvasive laboratory tests that can provide timely assessment of chemical exposure and the capability of hepatic detoxification. The body continually attempts to eliminate chemical toxins through enzymatic processes in the liver.
As for the timeline of detox from benzodiazepines, it depends. For example, alprazolam has an average of an 11-hour half-life, so the system is rid of it quickly. On the other hand, the half-life of clonazepam can be hours, which means it takes longer to get out of your system.