Scenario 2: High traffic + high conversions + low search volumeThis page is similar to the first scenario with one exception. Job Function Email List People don't reach this page from organic search. These are the pages you should optimize for search in order to Job Function Email List expand their reach and increase their chances of ranking well on search engine results pages (SERPs).
Your action items: If the page is a blog post, republish it but optimize the new post for search. Review this regularly to Job Function Email List make sure it is up-to-date and continues to convert properly. Include them on other high-traffic pages. Keep sharing this on social. Job Function Email List HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: 3 Ways to Reuse Your Content Magnets to Dominate SERPs Scenario 3: High traffic + low conversions + high.
Search volumeThese pages are the most complicated of all. They receive a lot of traffic from browsing, but not much happens once the visitor arrives. Job Function Email List If the topic of the page is valuable to your audience, you want to Job Function Email List keep the traffic coming to your website, but you need to update the page to make it more likely for visitors to take action. You should try to better understand what is happening with visitors on this page.